Practical tips for you as a visitor
Food & Beverages
- We encourage you to to bring your own reusable mug and bottle to refill with water and coffee throughout the day. Reusable mugs are available for purchase at Kistamässan if you forget your own.
- Preferably choose the vegetarian option. We do not serve red meat in our facility’s restaurants.

Digital advantages
- Show your booking confirmation digitally on your phone upon arrival at Kistamässan. You do not need to print it out.
- Scan QR codes on-site for the current program – we do not print fair programs. You can also find the entire program on the website.
- Take advantage of the benefits of your smart badge for exchanging information and contact details. By holding your badge against the exhibitor’s reader, you will receive all the information you need about the exhibitor, and the exhibitor will receive your contact information that you provided when registering for the fair. The exhibitor can also scan your badge with their phone to stay in touch after the fair.
We ask for your help with recycling during the fair. Please dispose waste in properly labeled containers where we sort plastic, paper, cardboard, and food waste separately. Do not leave any trash in the conference rooms.
Travel and accommodation
When possible, please consider using public transportation or biking/walking to Kistamässan. The nearest commuter train station is Helenelund, and the nearest subway station is Kista. If you need to travel by car, consider carpooling. Please choose a hotel within walking distance if possible.
Social responsibility
Participate in the various sustainability discussions and tours happening during the event!